Friday 1 July 2011

Music Video Analysis: Eminem - Stan

Eminem - Stan

The song of Stan by Eminem is in the genre of hip-hop and rap music and features the singer Dido. The video itself is a narrative style of video with no performance in it, however the lyrics are talked/rapped by those in the music video since it forms a storyline and involves the troubled character of Stan who is a huge fan of Eminem. He idolizes him, even more than his pregnant girlfriend who is never named but is played by Dido.

There is a direct link between the lyrics and the music video since the video acts out the lyrics since they are a story in themselves. Apart from the Dido-sung parts of the song, it is all said as if it is a letter and this is them represented in the video with Stan writing to Eminem and speaking in his head what he is writing. Everything Stan writes about is how he idolizes Eminem and how he wants him to contact him "I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom". The camera also pans across the wall to reveal that it's covered in Eminem posters and pictures of him, further proof that Stan is obsessed with him. As the song progresses, and Stan writes more letters, he becomes increasingly fustrated and angry with Eminen for not replying to his letters. By the end of Stan's part of the song, all of the amiration he had for him had turned into hate, and Stan couldn't handle that, and subsequently killed himself and his pregnant girlfriend. During the scene where Stan writes the first letter, he looks relatively calm and relaxed, as if writing to Eminem is an escape from real life. While writing the second, he had become more frustrated, which is clear in his face as he looks quite annoyed, and what he says is more criticism than admiration. Finally with the cassette recording, all the initial love and admiration has gone and he is shouting into the recording while 'doing 90 on the freeway' in the rain and dark, after drinking vodka, with his girlfriend in the boot. After the car plunges into the river, there is a clear link between the Dido sung lyrics and what is being seen. The line 'The morning rain clouds up my window, and I can't see at all, and even if I could it'll all be gray' relates to what is being seen, with rain falling onto the car and water filling up the window, which mirrors what is being said in the first part of the line, before cutting to an underwater shot of the grey, murky water, which mirrors the second part of the line.

Despite being a song by Eminem, he doesnt appear himself too often in the video untill after the car has gone into the river. Before, there are just short clips of him at a live show, and the posters of him at Stan's house. Eminem writes one letter back to Stan at the end which is the only part of the song sung in the style/voice of Eminem himself, since the Stan parts are sung by Eminem in a different style/voice. Stan is the main focus of the video, but he styles himself on Eminem, such as short bleached hair, and the baggy white t-shirt, so the audience relates him to Eminem, despite it not actually being him. When Eminem does appear on screen properly to write a letter, he looks different to how Stan was, looking smarter with things like reading glasses and tidy hair. This could show that Stan was interpreting the character Eminem becomes when he raps and not Eminem himself. The lyrics also reflect this since Eminem says to Stan that he is 'just clowning' with some of the lyrics implying that they shouldnt be taken seriously.

There is a very dark feeling to this song and video. Both of them combined creates the whole story of what happens. Listening to the song without the video makes it harder to understand and watching the video without the song makes it even harder to understand, but bring the two together and it all makes sense. From it all, there is the message of not taking songs too seriously since not everything is true, it's just words, which makes up a song which can be sold to make money. Stan is shown to be one of those people who are influenced too easily and reads into songs too much.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Music Video Research

My brother did a very similar task a couple of years ago when studying at college. He was given the task of finding a band and creating a music video for them. He found a local band 'Mad Dog' and recorded a music video for them. This is roughly the same type of task I have to do, so watching the video will be very good research. The video is on the link below.

Mad Dog - Piggy In The Middle

I feel it is a very good video since it is mainly a performance video in their studio, but also shows small clips of members of the band relaxing and being themselves. This adds an extra sense of closeness, since they are being shown as normal, and down to earth by being themselves, as well as promoting the music. The short clip after the song has finished also seems to work really well because it is short, funny, and again shows how normal they are.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Music Video Research - MY top 5 music videos

Inspiration for music videos can be drawn from currently existing videos. It could just be the type of music video or specifics that can be taken from them but looking at all different types of music video gives you many different ideas. After searching the web for my favorite music videos, I have narrowed it down to my top 5. However, they wont be in any specific order in my top 5 as it would be harsh to compare two brilliant music videos when they are different styles.
So in no particular order, my top 5 music videos:

1. Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity

This video, I feel, is one of the best of all time due to the fact it is simple and complex at the same time. On the face of it, it's quite simple: it shows a plain room with a sofa and chair in, and the camera only moves a couple of times throughout the whole video. However, the complex part comes in the form of a moving floor and some CGI effects. The lead singer, Jay-Kay, uses the moving floor for dancing on moving towards and away from the camera. Some very clever choreography must have been used since everything is so precise between the music, the moving floor, Jay Kay, the sofa and chair, and the occasional camera movement.

2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Can't Stop

The video for 'Can't Stop' is in my top 5 because it is so wonderfully random. Most of the video is the band acting strange and random, with the exception of the parts where they are performing on the middle of a room. The acts they perform make no sense and don't immediately relate to the lyrics, however when reading over the lyrics, they seem just as random. At the end, some sense is made since it finishes on a sign saying "inspired by the 'one minute sculptures' of Erwin Wurm"

3. Weezer - Pork And Beans

Pork And Beans is in my top 5 since it parodies many viral internet videos that have been uploaded onto youtube and other video websites. The videos parodied have attracted millions of views between them and Weezer have used the popularity and stupidity of most of these videos to turn it into their music video. The video does relate to the lyrics of the song since it is about not conforming to typical stereotypes and not being what people want you to be. The viral videos are all people being them stupid selves, and not caring what other people think of them, and Weezer take that idea into their video.

4. R.E.M - Everybody Hurts

The video Everybody Hurts has a video which makes you think and realize things, and also has a strong relation to the lyrics. It starts with the band in a car on a motorway joining a traffic jam, which would dampen most people's spirits. As the singing starts, the words are at the bottom, making you think the lyrics are provided, but when it shows a different car with different people in, it is showing different words to what is being sung. That is when you realize that it is showing what people are thinking, and it is all very unhappy thoughts that people have. The lyrics link to this with the song title 'everybody hurts' telling us everyone feels bad sometimes, and you are not alone when you feel really down. The lyrics also encourage you to hold on and don't feel down and this is translated into the video at the end with everyone getting out of their cars and walking.

5. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

The actual video for bohemian rhapsody, admittedly inst that great, but it was the first big music video, and paved the way for the concept of music videos. Without it, things may have been very different. This video is great because of the influence it had on others at the time. It was new, it made people go 'wow', it sold the record, and that opened the floodgates for all other music videos to be made and released.

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Music Channels

MTV (Music Television) was launched on 1st August 1981, at 12:01am. A recording of the opening 10 minutes is in the link below.

It opened with a montage of the Columbia space shuttle launch and the Apollo 11 moon landing, with the American flag being replaced with an MTV flag on the surface of the moon. This was to try and show the significance of the event and how it would change music forever. Although it didn't quite have the same impact as the moon landing, MTV still changed the music industry, and how bands and artists got their music out to the public.

MTV is arguably the biggest and most recognized music channel brand in the world due to it being the first music channel and subsequently grew to diverse into other markets such as more channels with different genres of music, and making actual TV programs such as Jackass.

However due to the sudden popularity of MTV upon it's launch, others wanted to get in the action as well, with numerous other music channels being launched. On current UK TV, there are 29 different music channels, such as 4Music, Q, Smash Hits and The Box. And all of them are only in our small country, other larger countries will have many more. MTV used to play all kinds of music when it first came out, but competition has been more focused on certain genres. MTV has followed suit by launching various different MTV channels to play different genres of music such as MTV Classic and MTV Rocks.

Music channels have helped the music industry dramatically. Videos could now be used to promote music and artists/bands.

To be continued...

Thursday 16 June 2011



1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

* a website homepage for the band;
* a cover for its release as part of the digipak (CD/DVD package);
* a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

2. A promotion package for a new film, to include a teaser trailer, together with two of the following three options:

* a website homepage for the film;
* a film magazine front cover, featuring the film;
* a poster for the film.

3. The first level of a new computer game, together with two of the following three options:

* the cover for the game's package;
* a magazine advertisement for the game;
* a radio advertisement for the game.

NOTE: All material for all tasks are to be produced by you yourself with the exception of acknowledged non-original sound or image material used in a limited way in video / radio work.

Formats - Video work must be in DVD format; audio work must be in CD format. No print item should be larger than A3 size. Games should be either in Flash format or playable on an exiting console.


* Maintain a consistent house style throughout all 3 platforms i.e. same colour schemes, page layouts, mode of address etc.
* Maintain a tangible link between all 3 media products e.g. use still frames from a video sequence within a poster or DVD cover and or embed clips of video within a webpage.
* Create a logo that will brand the product across all 3 platforms.
* Incorporate the expectations of your audience into your product.

